Friday, July 27, 2007

What on internet do I dare blog...


I was thinking - why not re-visit the idioms of good old English and make them more contemporary. I have some examples below:

Situation: Say you do not understand the motive of the lazy moron who has been bugging you day in and day out to sell some credit card to you, you would say,
Old English: 'What on earth are you bugging me for when I made it clear that I would never in my life buy your credit card!'.
New English: 'What on internet are you bugging me for when I made it clear that I would never in my life buy your credit card!'.

Situation: You tell your partner that you see cracks in your relationship.
Old English: 'I dare say our relationship is ending'
New English: 'I dare blog our relationship is ending'.

Situation: You told your prof that he is mistaken about sonething.
Old English: 'He got very hot under the collar when I suggested that he might be mistaken.'
New English: 'He got very hot under the earphones when I suggested that he might be mistaken.'

Do suggest some more...

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