Tuesday, March 09, 2004

My bowling skills

Mommy, mommy today I bowled a maiden over and took 2 wickets. Mom would always smile and accept that is true. But the truth was I was always considered the slowest bowler on earth. They say I can beat best of the batsmen by my pace. As quoted by Dixi (the-guy-who- was-my-senior-topped-at-IIT-in-aerospace-and-joined-IISc) “if Kans continues his run up after delivering the ball, he will reach the bat before the ball.” His other comments include “Kans has started his run up? Ok I will have my dinner and come back and hit the ball.” I dunno why these guys are so bothered about pace. In my view the best kind of ball is a slow ball yorker. The fact that I keep trying slow ball yorkers every ball is a different issue altogether. If you want to know more about cricket, please refer to my friend Avinash Iyer. To tell you more about my bowling, I also used to have the longest run up. My gallee cricket mate Subbu says I get tired after such a long run up that I lose energy before delivering the ball. That seems to be the reason behind my magical pace. I have only one answer to all these people. As Mahesh Bhatt said once opinions are like ar$#ho&*s, everyone has one.

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