Saturday, August 07, 2004

The cryptic way


There is a friend of mine, Nikhil who says.. 'Srini you are smart, you know.' But before I blush.. bang comes his remark, 'But you shud realise you are crazy.' Well, many friends of mine often wondered how would I be if I get philosophical.

According to me life is all cryptic. Ask anyone solving crosswords, U will get the same answer. Sometimes you have to frame clues and sometimes you have to solve them. Some girls are like Hindu Crossword which you would like to solve daily whenever you want to exercise your 'brains'. Then there are some gals like Young World puzzle for kids. Their brains cannot think beyond certain level. And all the clues you give them go waste, because they cannot solve cryptic puzzles. They keep framing direct clues for you which you can solve in a minute. Then there are Hindi crossword puzzles who cannot solve English clues. Then there are crosswords like that of 'Times' - the American kind of crosswords. These are the dudish gals (euphemism to pr@$). Like the grid of these crosswords, they lay bare with very few darkened squares here and there. Me being a fan of Hindu crosswords, would like gals who can frame and solve cryptic clues. Well, my apologies to anyone who has not followed this blog. No, don't accept that you can't understand cryptic messages. Instead, blame me for going mad, Young World puzzle solvers do think I am mad ;-)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

life becomes hectic after u get married bro